
The music we play has been obtained directly from independent recording artists, who have freely given us their permission to broadcast their music. As a result, the music you hear on KJAJ will probably not be broadcast on any other station, and we have made an effort to include many local artists.

Most music that would be recognized by most people is licensed. Our research indicates that there are at least 3 music licensing services, and each charges a fee for permission to play the music they license. In order to broadcast licensed music, we would need to pay approximately $100/month, which we are currently unable to afford.

If you, or someone you know would like KJAJ to broadcast your/their music, email us mp3s or links to mp3 collections, along with a statement giving us permission to broadcast them, to (please include artist and title information and album title if applicable)

The following is a list of the music KJAJ broadcasts:

Local Recording Artists
Black Halo
Blarney Brothers
Bobby Lindstrom
Charlie Williston & Daniel Emmett
Che’s Lounge
Citizen Patrol
Crash Parlor
Crushing Crayons
Elton Alden
James Thornsberry
Janet Bates
Jon Whaley
Jordan Dawn
Patrick Lamaide
Sam Densmore
Ukelele Poet

Other Independent Recording Artists
An American Forrest
Ben Carr
Chris Trinidad
Courtney Hunter
Front Country
Gabriel Wolfchild & The Northern Light
Grace Park & The Deer
Little Sue
River Whyless
Skyla Blue
The Blind Spots
The Deer
The Lowest Pair
Trennique Godlove